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Calculate total mMETs per person in the baseline population based on non-travel PA and active travel for each scenario





data frame of all trips from all scenarios


mmets - total mMETs per week per person in each scenario


This function performs the following steps:

  • extract all people from the trip set with an active travel (walk or cycle) stage mode (non-ghost trips only)

  • calculate the weekly time spent on active travel

  • for each scenario:

    • scale the non-travel mMET value for the people in the baseline population by the BACKGROUND_PA_SCALAR to adjust for any biases in the PA data

    • calculate the total cycling and walking mMET values for each relevant person in the trip set and scale up to a week

    • add the active travel mMET to the non-travel mMET values for each person in the baseline population

  • create one dataframe with total MMET for all people in the baseline population for all scenarios