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Creates summarised injury tables for 'who hit who' and 'no other vehicle' fatality counts for each casualty and strike mode combination (and age and sex combination where this information exists)





data frame of individual injury events


The function performs the following steps using the individual fatality injury input file:

  • The data is split into a WHW (who hit who) matrix where both casualty and strike mode are given and a NOV (no other vehicle) matrix where strike mode was set to NOV in ithim_load_data() or no other vehicle was involved in the accident.

  • If no age and gender information is given, then the counts are multiplied by the proportion of injuries relevant to the proportion of the population considered in the model (e.g. 15 - 65 year olds) based on the GBD data

  • Data is aggregated by casualty and strike mode, and age and sex where such information exists

  • Complete whw and nov matrices containing all casualty and strike (and age and sex) combinations are created with zero counts for those combinations with no fatalities

  • a list of aggregated whw and nov matrices is set to the Global environment