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Sequence of functions to set up the baseline population, the synthetic trips, and the scenarios.




data frame of all synthetic trips from all scenarios


This function performs the following steps:

  • The columns from the TRIP_SET are put into the correct order

  • multiply the trip distances, stage distances, and durations by the day_to_week scalar and then divide by 7 to get the distances and durations of an 'average' day of the week

  • add bus_driver and truck trips if required (add_ghost_trips())

  • add personal motorcycle trips if needed (call the appropriate function)

  • add commercial motorcycle trips if required (add_ghost_trips())

  • build the baseline population by creating a data set that contains the (non-zero) participant ids and demographic information from the trip data set and adds work and leisure MMET values by calling create_base_pop() (non travel entries in the trip data set are also removed)

  • adds car driver trips if required (add_ghost_trips())

  • call the ithim_setup_baseline_scenario() function to get the baseline data into the correct format for the creation of the different scenarios

  • create the required scenarios by calling the appropriate function

  • add walk to pt trips and combine the scenarios into one dataframe by calling the walk_to_pt_and_combine_scen() function