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Function to find the distances travelled by age, sex, scenario and mode for the entire population rather than just the baseline population.





list containing city specific information including the baseline trip set


ithim_object again, with additional total population distance for each mode and scenario, distances for injury pathway plus parameterised Poisson injury regression model


This function performs the following steps:

  • generate distance and duration matrices by age, sex, mode and scenario from the ithim_object$trip_scen_sets for the baseline population by calling the dist_dur_tbls() function

  • find the total mode distances for each scenario and scale this up to the distance travelled by the entire population by using the demographic information for the city

  • in order to scale the distances by age, sex, mode and scenario to the entire population, the proportion of the distances travelled by each age, sex, mode and scenario combination in the baseline population to total distances by mode and scenario in the baseline population is found. The total population distances by mode are then multiplied by these proportions to find the total population distances travelled by each mode and age and sex category.

  • the distances_for_injury_function() function is called which creates a list inj_distances that is added to ithim_object containing the following matrices:

    • true_distances (population mode distances by age and sex with all walking modes and all car modes combined and bus drivers added where relevant)

    • injuries_list (list of all strike, casualty, age, sex and mode distance combinations for baseline and all scenarios, used to predict fatalities later in the model run)

    • reg_model (parameterised Poisson injury regression model)

    • injuries_for_model (baseline data containing injury counts for all casualty and strike mode combinations with associated distance data)