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Computes the relative risk (RR) for individuals in the baseline population for each disease given PM exposure





individual PM exposures for each person in the baseline population


data frame of relative risks per person for each disease and each scenario


This function performs the following steps:

  • minimum ages for each age group corresponding to disease risks are assigned to the individuals in the baseline population (with added PM exposure levels)

  • loop through all diseases that are related to PM pollution:

    • depending on the disease (as some disease have different relative risks depending on the age of the individual) loop through disease specific age groups (or just one age group for most disease)

    • set the quantile of the value of the dose response curves to be extracted. If running in constant mode, the quantile is usually set to 0.5, i.e. to the median of the dose response curves. If running in sample mode, then the quantile can be set to be sampled from a distribution in the input parameters.

    • loop through the scenarios:

      • assign the relative risk for the given disease, age group, quantile and scenario to the relevant people in the baseline population by calling the AP_dose_response() function